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akg8909560 Capt. Thomas Hastings. Ruins of Crewkerne Abbey, May 1833Sketches, Vol. 7: Drawings of Devon, Wales, Lakes, etca , 1833. Graphite and pen and brown ink on medium, slightly textured, cream wove paper, 23.8 × 33 cm. Inv. No. B1977.14.2451. New Haven, Yale Center for British Art.
akg8201365 Pope John Paul II, * May 18, 1920 in Wadowice (Poland), April 2, 2005 in Vatican City +. Apostolic Journey to Angola, (June 4-10, 1992). Arrival at the international airport. Drive to the city center. Cheering people on the roadside. Luanda, June 4, 1992.
akg5001299 John Paul II, Pope (1978-2005). Real name Karol Wojtyla; Wadowice 18.5.1920 - Rome 2.4.2005. - On Mary's Ascension in Lourdes: Pope John Paul II before the fountain of Grace before which he will celebrate mass. - Photo, August 15, 2004. Copyright: For editorial use only.
akg5001301 John Paul II, Pope (1978-2005). Real name Karol Wojtyla; Wadowice 18.5.1920 - Rome 2.4.2005. - On Mary's Ascension in Lourdes: Pope John Paul II on his way to the fountain of Grace, before which he will celebrate mass. - Photo, August 15, 2004. Copyright: For editorial use only.
akg318124 Mantua (Lombardy, Italy), Palazzo d'Arco, ehem. Casa della Valle, Sala dello Zodiaco. "Signs of the zodiac: Leo" (Diana of Ephesus; Hercules and the Lion). Fresco, c. 1520, attributed to Gian Maria Falconetto (c. 1468 - before 1540). From a cycle depicting the signs of the zodiac within mythological scenes.
akg611744 Thessaloniki (Macedonia, Greece), Saint Demetrius / Agios Dimitrios. Saint Demetrius with the benefactors Prefect Leontius and Johannes (John). Mosaic, Byzantine, c. 629/43. Width, c. 150 cm. Pillar at the entrance to the transept.
akg008085 Luther, Martin. Church reformer, 1483-1546. Bible translation: "Biblia: das ist: Die gantze Heilige Schrifft: Deudsch.". Wittenberg (H. Lufft), 1541. Cover woodcut by Lucas Cranach the Younger with Protestantallegory of "Law and Grace".
akg600841 Samarra, Große Moschee (erbaut 848 - 852), Umfassungsmauer. Nordmesopotamien (Irak, Mesopotamien). Samarra, Nordmesopotamien, Irak.
akg068067 Milan - Milano (Italy), Teatro alla Scala. (built 1776-79 by Giuseppe Piermarini). "The Facade of Teatro alla Scala". Painting, 1852, by Angelo Inganni. (1807-1880). Milan, Museo Teatrale alla Scala. Museum: Milan, Museo Teatrale alla Scala.
alb8909560 Mantua-Mantova (Lombardy, Italy), Palazzo Ducale, Castello S.Giorgio, Camera degli Sposi (frescos, c.1465-74, by Andrea Mantegna; 1431-1506).-Interior view looking northwest: west wall with "Meeting between Ludovico III Gonazaga and his son Francesco", north wall with "Court of Ludovico III".-Photo.
akg068070 Milan (Italy), Teatro alla Scala. (built 1776-79 Giuseppe Piermarini). Interior view: View from the stage to the auditorium during a gala concert. Photo, circa 1960.
akg1823942 Jerusalem / Jeruschalajim (Israel), Tempelberg / Haram esh-Sharif, Felsendom / Qubbet es-Sakhra (erb. 688-91 unter dem Omaijadenkalifen Abd al-Malik; Kuppel 1318; Fliesenverkleidung unter Süleyman dem Prächtigen 1561). /-Außenansicht von Südwesten.-/ Foto, 2000.
akg1617322 Krakau-Krakow (Polen), Stadtteil Lagiewniki, Sanktuarium der Barmherzigkeit Gottes, Basilika (erbaut 1997-2002; Arch.: Witold Ceckiewicz; Pilgerstätte der Hl. Maria Faustina Kowalska (eigentl. Helena Kowalska; 1905-1938); Turmhöhe 77 m).-Außenansicht mit dem Bronzestandbild Papst Johannes Paul II.(enthüllt 2006...
akg1617310 Krakau-Krakow (Polen), Stadtteil Lagiewniki, Sanktuarium der Barmherzigkeit Gottes, Basilika (erbaut 1997-2002; Arch.: Witold Ceckiewicz; Pilgerstätte der Hl. Maria Faustina Kowalska (eigentl. Helena Kowalska; 1905-1938); Turmhöhe 77 m).-Bronzestandbild Papst Johannes Paul II., 2006, Entwurf: Witold Ceckiewicz, Höh...
akg1617761 Krakau-Krakow (Polen), Kanonikerstrße-Ulica Kanonicza.-Straßenansicht nach Süden; rechts (angeschnitten) das Kardinal-Karol-Wojtyla-Erzdiözesanmusem (Muzeum Archidiecezjalne Kardynala Karola Wojtyly; ul. Kanonicza 19-21); hinten Mitte die Türme der Wawelkathedrale.-Foto, 26.9.2010.
akg4471188 JOHN PAUL II Karol Józef Wojtyla (1920-2005) and cover pages of the comic strip u0026#39;John Paul II the Pope of Peaceu0026#39; Center Edizoni, illustrations by Francis Pescador, 1982.
akg4701284 Karol Józef Wojtyla; Polish priest, Bishop and then Archbishop of Krakow, Cardinal, elected Catholic Pope on October 16, 1978 under the name of John Paul II.; Wadowice, near Krakow, Poland 18.05.1920 - Vatican, 02.04.2005. John Paul II at Tarbes, on the occasion of the Pope's pilgrimage to Lourdes. Photo, August 14, 1983.
akg7990996 detail of La Fornarina, Portrait of a woman in the role of Venus. (detail)(Margherita Luti, la Fornarina)By Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio 1483-1520)1519-1520 circaoil on panelRome, Gallerie Nazionali d'Arte Antica di Roma, Palazzo Barberini.
akg5185458 IMAGERIE PARISIENNE DE LA RUE ST JACQUES (Entre 1780 et 1810), chez BASSET. " PIE VII, Barnabé CHIARAMONTI, Officiant Pontificalement le jour du Sacre, né à CESENE dans la ROMAGNE le 14 août 1742, Elu PAPE à VENISE le 14 mars 1800 ". Coloris de l'époque. Gravure. (40 x 27). Collection particulère.
akg5613453 byzantine, 4-5. Century. - Mary in the grotto. - Sculpture. Rock Crystal, Silver, Gold Plated, Email, Gems and pearls. Diameter 13.5 cm, height 20 cm. Inv. No. 116. Venice, S. Marco, Treasury. Author: ANONYMOUS.
akg250527 Charlemagne, 742-814. Charlemagne sends ambassadors to the provinces of his Empire (above). Coronation of Charlemagne by Pope Leo III in Rome, St. Peter, 25.12.800 (below). Ms. illumination, French, 1450. Fr.: Grandes Chroniques de France. Châteauroux, Municipal Library. Museum: Châteauroux, Municipal Library.
akg151396 Spain / Battle near Montiel, 14. March. 1369 (Bertrand Duguesclin defeats Charles the Bad of Navarre). The battle near Montiel. Illumination, Brussels, C15, by Loyset Liedet (died 1478). From: "Chroniques de France (...) ". by Jean Froissart, fol. 328 v. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale. Museum: Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale.
akg093149 Karl V., röm.-dt. Kaiser (1519-56) und König von Spanien (ab 1516); Gent 24.2.1500 - San Geronimo de Yuste 21.9.1558. Porträt. Stahlstich, um 1850, von C. Müller nach Alfred Rethel (1816-1859). 11,3 × 8,8 cm.
akg317281 Toledo (Spain), town-gate (16th cent.). View; the coat of arms of Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor and King of Spain, between the windows. Photo, undat.
akg020848 Pizarro, Francisco; conqueror of Peru. 1478-1541. "Charles V receives Francisco Pizarro before the conquest of Peru". (Pizarro made proconsul of Peru on 26 July 1529, embarkment January 1531). Woodcut, c. 1880, after painting by Angelo Lizcano y Esteban (born 1846).
akg326631 Concordat between France and the Catholic Church (Napoleon Bonaparte and Pope Pius VII), 15 July 1801. / - "Signature du Concordat" (allegorical depiction of signing by (l. to rt.): Cardinal Gonsalvi (sic!); Joseph, Archbishop of Corinth; Joseph Bonaparte; Crétet, Caselli and Bernier). Copper engraving, coloured, anonymous, contemporary. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale. Museum: Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale.
akg822972 Technique / Industrie automobile. Ouvriers au montage de la carroserie en aluminium de Facel-Métallon d'une Dyna X (Dyna 110, constr. 1945 - 1949).
akg325905 French Revolutionary Wars / 2nd coalition War, 1799-1802. Treaty of Amiens, 27 March 1802, between France, England, Spain and the Batavian Republic (Turkey and Austria joined in May and Aug. 1802). - Allegory of the Treaty of Amiens. Drawing by Claude Louis Desrais (1746-1816). Pen and ink on paper, 27.9 × 40.7. cm. I. 179, MM. 48.13.61, Rueil-Malmaison, Musée du Château. Museum: Rueil-Malmaison, Musée du Château.
akg006398 Charles Quint ou Charles V de Habsbourg ; empereur germanique (1519-1556) et roi d'Espagne (à part. de 1516) . Gand 24.2.1500 ; San Geronimo de Yuste 21.9.1558. Portrait en pied. Peinture de Alfred Rethel (1816-59), v. 1840. Francfort / Main, Römer, salle impériale.
akg994962 Fontainebleau (Dép.Seineet-Marne, Frankreich), Schloss / Château (erbaut ab 1528), Appartement du Pape (vormals App.des Reines Mères; Neumöblierung 1804 für Papst Pius VII.), Schlafzimmer (vormals Chambre d'Anne d'Autriche).-/ Teilansicht: Möbel (1860) und Bildteppich "Triumph des Mars" nach Noël Coypel).-/ Foto, 2009.
akg658199 Luther, Martin; Reformator; 1483-1546.-"Deutung des Münchskalbs"-(Antipäpstliches Spottblatt n. einem Flugblatt mit der Darstellung einer Mißgeburt a. Freiberg in Sachsen).aus: M. Luther/ Ph. Melanchthon, Deuttung der czwo grewliche figuren. Wittenberg (J. Grunenberg),1523 Holzschnitt, 1523, von Lucas Cranach d.Ä (Werkstatt?), 14,6 x 9,6 cm.. Spät. Kol.
akg375300 Napoleon I Bonaparte, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. -Coronation of Napoleon in the cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, 2.12.1804:. "Fêtes du Sacre et Couronnement (...) ". (View of the cathedral interior during the anointment by Pope Pius VII).- Aquatint, coloured, contemp. by Gautier after Louis Le Coeur. Paris.
akg375330 Pius VII, previosly: Barnaba Chiaramonti Pope (1800-1823); 1742-1823. / -"Sa Sainteté Pie VII. donnant sa Bénédiction apostolique (...) " (Pius VII, during the coronation of Napoleon I in Paris, blesses the faithful in Notre Dame Cathedral, Christmas 1804). - Copper engraving, coloured, contemp. Paris, Fondation Dosne-Thiers. Author: ANONYMOUS.
akg375326 Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. - "Napoléon 1er Empereur des Français (...) " (Coronation of Napoleon in Notre Dame, Paris, 2 December 1804: Napoleon is anointed by Pope Pius VII.) - Engraving, coloured, contemporary. Paris, Fondation Dosne-Thiers. Author: ANONYMOUS.
akg375397 Josephine, Empress (Napoleon I) of the French, née Tascher de la Pagerie, later Beauharnais; 1763-1814. "Napoléon 1er (...) Couronne son Auguste Epouse (...) " (Coronation of J. by Napoleon I. in Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, 2.12.1804). Engraving, coloured, contemporary. Paris, Fondation Dosne-Thiers. Author: ANONYMOUS.
akg375354 re: Napoleon I Bonaparte, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Coronation of Napoleon at the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris on 2 December 1804: the Apostolic Nuncio Speroni in the entourage of Pope Pius VII, carrying the papal cross in the procession. Copper engr., coloured, contemporary. Paris, Fondation Dosne-Thiers.
akg371764 Pius VII., vorher: Barnaba Chiaramonti. Papst (1800-1823); 1742-1823. Pius VII. veröffentlicht am 10. Juni 1809 eine Bannbulle gegen Kaiser Napoleon I. nach der Besetzung Roms durch franz. Truppen 1808. Holzstich, unbez. Aus: Maurice Larcher, Histoire des Papes, 1875.
akg375247 Pius VII (before: Barnaba Chiaramonti), Pope (1800-1823), Cesena 14.8.1742 - Rome 20.8.1823. Portrait. Stipple engr., coloured, unsigned. Paris, Fondation Dosne-Thiers.
akg375257 re: Napoleon I Bonaparte, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Coronation in Paris, 2. Dec 1804: "Vue du cortège de sa Sainteté le Pape Pie VII (...) " (Pope Pius VII passes the Porte Saint-Denis on his way to the coronation). Aquatinta, coloured, 1806, by L.D. Leleu. Paris, Fondation Dosne-Thiers.
akg375264 Pius VII (before: Barnaba Chiaramonti), Pope (1800-1823), Cesena 14.8.1742 - Rome 20.8.1823. "Notre St. père le pape Pie VII" (Pope Pius VII, kneeling and praying before teh altar). Copper engr., coloured, contemporary, after drawing by Nodet. Paris, Fondation Dosne-Thiers.
akg405324 Banos de Cerrato, San Juan de Banos. View from the south-west. Photo, undated.
akg375260 Pius VII (before: Barnaba Chiaramonti), Pope (1800-1823), Cesena 14.8.1742 - Rome 20.8.1823. "PIE VII" (Pope Pius VII, kneeling and praying before the altar). Copper engr., coloured, by Jean-Dominique-Etienne Canu (born 1768) after drawing by Claude Louis Desrais (1746-1816). Paris, Fondation Dosne-Thiers.
akg434388 Saint-Benoîtsur-Loire (Orléanais, Dép. Loiret, France), Abbey Church-Abbaye de Saint-Benoît, Tourporche-Portal tower (built under Abbot Gaulin; 1st half of 11th century).-Figured capital on upper level of portal tower.-Photo.
akg404198 Köln, St. Pantaleon / Blick von Westen Filmsize: 6 × 9 cm.
akg973289 Moissac (Dép.Tarnet-Garonne, Midi-Pyrénées, Frankrich), Abteikirche / Abbatiale Saint-Pierre, Südportal der Vorhalle, Tympanon (Skulpturen 1120-25).-Christus als Weltenrichter zwischen den Evangelistensymbolen, zwei Engeln, sowie den 24 Ältesten der Apokalypse.-Tympanonrelief. / Foto, 2007.
akg1079880 Maximilian I. Joseph, Elector (Maximilian IV, 1799-1805), from 1806 King of Bavaria, Mannheim 27.5.1756 - Nymphenburg 13.10.1825. Portrait. Painting, circa 1806, perhaps by Simon Petrus Klotz (1776-1824). Oil on canvas, 159 × 117 cm. Inv. No. ResMü. G 179. Munich, Staatliche Schlösser und Gärten. Museum: Munich, Staatliche Schlösser und Gärten.
akg1573307 Buchmalerei, Norditalien(?), um 1404/1438. /-Zwei astronomische Diagramme.-/ Aus dem sog. Voynich-Manuskript (benannt nach dem Antiquar Wilfrid Michael Voynich). Text in einer unbekannten Schrift und Sprache. Deckfarben auf Vellum. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, MS 408, fol.67 r 1 und fol.67 r 2,. Museum: Yale University., NEW HAVEN.
akg7932139 Atget, Eugène (Jean Eugène Auguste Atget, dit). Voiture de transport de grosses pierres ou fardier, Quai de Grenelle, 15ème arrondissement, Paris. Photographie, Tirage sur papier albuminé. PH1840, Paris, Musée Carnavalet.
akg7961472 Anonyme. Construction du chemin de fer métropolitain municipal de Paris : montage sur le port de Javel du caisson de rive droite, traversée de la Seine au pont Mirabeau, 15ème arrondissement, Paris, en 17-04-1908. Photographie, Tirage au gélatino-bromure d'argent. PH82319, Paris, Musée Carnavalet.
akg7938696 Union Photographique Française, photographe. Immeuble, 43 rue de Vouillé, 15ème arrondissement, Paris., entre 1893 et 1898. Photographie, Aristotype. PH12894, Paris, Musée Carnavalet.
akg7930516 Union Photographique Française, photographe. Rue Herr, actuelle avenue Félix Faure, depuis la rue de Lourmel du côté de la gare de Grenelle, 15ème arrondissement, Paris., entre 1895 et 1899. Photographie, Aristotype. PH9329, Paris, Musée Carnavalet.
akg7930515 Union Photographique Française, photographe. Rue Herr, actuelle avenue Félix Faure, depuis la rue de la Convention côté gare de Grenelle, 15ème arrondissement, Paris., entre 1895 et 1899. Photographie, Aristotype. PH9332, Paris, Musée Carnavalet.
akg7930514 Union Photographique Française, photographe. Rue Herr, actuelle avenue Félix Faure, depuis le passage Duranton côté gare de Grenelle, 15ème arrondissement, Paris., entre 1895 et 1899. Photographie, Aristotype. PH9333, Paris, Musée Carnavalet.
akg7938187 Union Photographique Française, photographe. Immeuble, 32 rue des Entrepreneurs, 15ème arrondissement, Paris., en 1904. Photographie, Aristotype. PH11965, Paris, Musée Carnavalet.
akg7938191 Union Photographique Française, photographe. Immeuble, 43 ou 48 rue des Entrepreneurs, 15ème arrondissement, Paris., en 1904. Photographie, Aristotype. PH11970, Paris, Musée Carnavalet.
akg7938179 Union Photographique Française, photographe. Cour d'usine, 15 rue de Javel, 15ème arrondissement, Paris., en 1904. Photographie, Aristotype. PH9388, Paris, Musée Carnavalet.
akg7938128 Union Photographique Française, photographe. Rue de Vouillé nº43, 15ème arrondissement, Paris., en 1898. Photographie, Aristotype. PH11897, Paris, Musée Carnavalet.
akg7938183 Union Photographique Française, photographe. Immeuble, 94 rue Saint-Charles, 15ème arrondissement, Paris., en 1904. Photographie, Aristotype. PH9382, Paris, Musée Carnavalet.
akg7938181 Union Photographique Française, photographe. Immeuble, 37 rue de Javel, 15ème arrondissement, Paris., en 1904. Photographie, Aristotype. PH11961, Paris, Musée Carnavalet.
akg7938178 Union Photographique Française, photographe. Immeuble, 14 (n° du plan) rue de Javel, 15ème arrondissement, Paris., en 1904. Photographie, Aristotype. PH11959, Paris, Musée Carnavalet.
akg7938189 Union Photographique Française, photographe. Immeuble, 57 rue Linois, 15ème arrondissement, Paris., en 1904. Photographie, Aristotype. PH11969, Paris, Musée Carnavalet.
akg7938725 Union Photographique Française, photographe. Entrée de l'entreprise, 43 rue de Vouillé, 15ème arrondissement, Paris., en 1898. Photographie, Aristotype. PH12913, Paris, Musée Carnavalet.
akg7938724 Union Photographique Française, photographe. Immeuble, 43 rue de Vouillé, 15ème arrondissement, Paris., en 1898. Photographie, Aristotype. PH12912, Paris, Musée Carnavalet.
akg7938170 Union Photographique Française, photographe. Cour et immeuble, 14 rue de Javel, 15ème arrondissement, Paris., en 1904. Photographie, Aristotype. PH9387, Paris, Musée Carnavalet.
akg7938714 Union Photographique Française, photographe. Immeuble, 11 rue de Vouillé, 15ème arrondissement, Paris., entre 1893 et 1898. Photographie, Aristotype. PH12908, Paris, Musée Carnavalet.
akg7938711 Union Photographique Française, photographe. Immeuble, 31 rue de Vouillé, 15ème arrondissement, Paris., entre 1893 et 1898. Photographie, Aristotype. PH12905, Paris, Musée Carnavalet.
akg7938713 Union Photographique Française, photographe. Immeuble, 37 rue Vouillé, 15ème arrondissement, Paris., entre 1893 et 1898. Photographie, Aristotype. PH12907, Paris, Musée Carnavalet.
akg7938066 Union Photographique Française, photographe. Rue de Lourmel nº58, 15ème arrondissement, Paris., en 1904. Photographie, Aristotype. PH10443, Paris, Musée Carnavalet.
akg7938085 Union Photographique Française, photographe. Rue de Vouillé nº43, entrée de l'entreprise, 15ème arrondissement, Paris., en 1898. Photographie, Aristotype. PH11898, Paris, Musée Carnavalet.
akg7938063 Union Photographique Française, photographe. Rue de Lourmel nº62, 15ème arrondissement, vue sur cour, en 1904. Photographie, Aristotype. PH11933, Paris, Musée Carnavalet.
akg7938090 Union Photographique Française, photographe. Immeuble, 55 rue Linois, 15ème arrondissement, Paris., en 1904. Photographie, Aristotype. PH11968, Paris, Musée Carnavalet.
akg7938062 Union Photographique Française, photographe. Angle du n°45 rue des Entrepreneurs et du n°2 rue de Lourmel, 15ème arrondissement, Paris., en 1904. Photographie, Aristotype. PH9395, Paris, Musée Carnavalet.
akg7938088 Union Photographique Française, photographe. Vue sur cour, 30 rue des Entrepreneurs, 15ème arrondissement, Paris., en 1904. Photographie, Aristotype. PH11966, Paris, Musée Carnavalet.
akg7938060 Union Photographique Française, photographe. Immeuble, 48 [ou 43] rue des Entrepreneurs, 15ème arrondissement, Paris., en 1904. Photographie, Aristotype. PH9384, Paris, Musée Carnavalet.
akg7930606 Union Photographique Française, photographe. Rue Herr, actuelle avenue Félix Faure, depuis la rue Leblanc, 15ème arrondissement, Paris., entre 1895 et 1899. Photographie, Aristotype. PH9334, Paris, Musée Carnavalet.
akg7937753 Pottier, Emmanuel Marie-Joseph Léon (Meslay, 1864 - 1921). Poterne de la Plaine, 15ème arrondissement, Paris, en 1905. Photographie, Tirage sur papier albuminé. PH19919, Paris, Musée Carnavalet.
akg8074404 Cole, Leslie 1910-1976. "British Women and Children Interned in a Japanese Prison Camp, Syme Road, Singapore", 1945. Oil on canvas, 65.5 x 91.5 cm. Cat.No.: Art.IWM ART LD 5620. London, Imperial War Museum. Copyright: Additional copyrights must be cleared.
akg5545002 Europe Centrale / République de Pologne.Oswiecim, Auschwitz I, camp d'extermination, block 4, exposition sur l'extermination, boîtes de gaz mortel Zyklon B.
akg5164224 Bridges, Fidelia 1834-1923. Bird's Nest in Cattails, Watercolor, 1875. Watercolor and gouache on light brown wove paper, 35.6 × 25.1 cm. Inv. Nr. 1989.261.2. New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art.
akg8074392 Cole, Leslie 1910-1976. "Malta Convoy: Basutos Deal with the Overflow Mail on the Causeway, the Palace, Valletta", 1943. Oil on canvas, 64 x 90.8 cm. Cat.No.: Art.IWM ART LD 3254. London, Imperial War Museum. Copyright: Additional copyrights must be cleared.
akg2322701 zu: Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm; Philosoph, 1646-1716. / Hannover (Niedersachsen), Leibniz-Haus in der Schmiedestraße. (erb. 1652 von Hinrich Alfers; von Leibniz 1676 bis 1716 bewohnt). Innenansicht: Leibnizzimmer. Foto, um 1900 (Karl F. Wunder, Hannover). Fotopostkarte. Berlin, Sammlung Archiv für Kunst und Geschichte. Museum: Berlin, Sammlung Archiv für Kunst und Geschichte.
akg2788217 Wooden model a bakery. Workers grind grain to flour. Country of Origin: Egypt . Culture: Ancient Egyptian. Date / Period: 11th dynasty c. 2134-1991 BC. Place of Origin: Deir El-Bahri, tomb of Meketre. Material Size: Wood, h= 25 cm, w = 42 cm, l=93cm. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive / Metropolitan Museum, New York . Location: 40.
akg2322699 zu: Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm; Philosoph, 1646-1716. / Hannover (Niedersachsen), Leibniz-Haus in der Schmiedestraße. (erb. 1652 von Hinrich Alfers; von Leibniz 1676 bis 1716 bewohnt). Innenansicht: Bauernstube. Foto, um 1900 (Karl F. Wunder, Hannover). Fotopostkarte. Berlin, Sammlung Archiv für Kunst und Geschichte. Museum: Berlin, Sammlung Archiv für Kunst und Geschichte.
akg262149 Religion / Beginen. "Ein Beginn". Holzschnitt, koloriert, von Jost Amman. (1539-91). Mit Versen von Torrentius. (d. i. Lutz Lautenbach). Aus: Im Frauwenzimmer wirt vermeldt von allerley schönen Kleidungen und Trachten der Weiber (...), Frankfurt (Lechler für Feyerabend) 1586. Berlin, Sammlung Archiv für Kunst und Geschichte. Museum: Berlin, Sammlung Archiv für Kunst und Geschichte.
akg894417 Lévy-Dhurmer, Lucien; 1865-1953. "La sorcière" (Die Zauberin), 1897. Pastell, 61 x 46 cm. Inv.Nr. R.F. 35503. Museum: Musée d'Orsay., Paris.
akg161256 History / World War Two / War in Africa. - British soldier with amunition for an anti-aircraft gun (near El Alamein).- Photo, 11 July 1942.
akg677444 Berlin-Charlottenburg, Kurfürstendamm.-"Die Jahrhundertfeiern (Großes Kurfürstendamm-Triptychon)".-Rechter Teil (Der Kurfürstendamm während der 800-Jahrfeier 2037). Gemälde, 1987, von Matthias Koeppel (geb. 1937). Gesamtmaße 3 x 6 m, Teile je 3 x 2 m. Museum: Haus am Checkpoint Charlie., BERLIN.
akg969062 Athen, um 510 v.Chr., Werk aus dem Umkreis des Antimenes-Malers.-Amphora mit Urteil des Paris.-Ton, gebrannt, in schwarzfiguriger Technik bemalt, H. 43 cm. Herkunft: Vulci (Etrurien, Italien). Inv.Nr. 1392. Museum: Staatl. Antikenslg. & Glyptothek., MUNICH.
akg209235 Astronomy / Instruments. Planetariums.-Sphaera Copernicana.-(Clockworkdriven planetarium to show the motion in the planetary system after the theories of Copernicus and Kepler). Build 1657 by Andreas Bösch (active 1651-57). Hight 240cm, largest diameter 134cm. Museum: Nationalhistoriske Mus., Frederiksborg.
akg994216 Fra Angelico, orig. Fra Giovanni da Fiesole; 1387-1455.-Initial "Q" with depiction of a Dominican saint.-Detail from a music manuscript. Illumination on parchment, 47 x 34 cm. From a choirbook, Missale 558, fol.31 r,. Museum: Museo di San Marco., Florenz.
akg345575 Lorenzetto, aka Lorenzo Lotti, 1490-1541. "Prophet Elijah", c. 1520. Sculpture. Rome, S.Maria del Popolo, Cappella Chigi.
akg270250 Egyptian, Middle Kingdom, 11th dynasty, reign of Mentuhotep III, c. 1990 BC. Model of a carpenter's workshop with carpenters working. Wood, painted, height 26cm, length 93cm, width 52cm. From the tomb of Meketre, Dayr al-Bahri, Thebes-West (TT 280). Cairo, Egyptian Museum. Museum: Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
akg048192 Domenico di Bartolo Ghezzi c. 1400 - 1447. "Care and Medical Treatment in a Hospital", c. 1440/44. Fresco. Siena, Ospedale di Santa Maria della Scala (Sala dell'Infermeria).
akg616086 Livia Drusilla (Livia Augusta), third wife of Emperor Augustus, first marriage with Tiberius Claudius Nero, mother of Drusus and Tiberius, 58 BC - 29 AD. Portrait head of Livia Drusilla with a veil over her hair. Sculpture, c. 20 BC, marble, height from chin to hairline 18.8 cm. / Inv. Nr. S1069. Museum: Bochum, Ruhr University Art Collection.
akg018998 Columbus, Christopher; navigator, discoverer of America; 1451-1506. "Columbus at the court of Ferdinand". (Santa Fe, 17 April 1492: signing of the contract). Coloured woodcut, after a painting, 1884/85, by Wenzel von Brozik (1851-1901). Berlin, Sammlung Archiv für Kunst und Geschichte. Museum: Berlin, Sammlung Archiv für Kunst und Geschichte.
akg246662 Granada (Andalusia, Spain), Alhambra. (Islamic palace, 1231-1491 Residence of the Nasrid dynasty), Sala de los Reyes - Hall of the Kings; fresco in the dome of the middle alcoves. Gathering of ten Islamic dignitaries; detail. Painting on leather, Time of Muhammad V. (2nd part of 14th century), probably by Christian painters.
akg403103 Castrojeriz, Colegiata de Nuestra Senora del Manzano / Aussenansicht Aufnahmeformat: 4,5 × 6 cm.
akg900142 Pfarrkirche St. Anton 1927 von Michael Kurz, Innenraum, Ambo und Chor.
akg071071 Magazines. Die neue Linie (Verlag Otto Beyer, Leipzig), January 1931, p. 24-25. Fritz Hellwag: Organisation of the Kitchen. (p. 24: Frankfurt Kitchen, design: Grete Schütte-Likotzky / steel kitchen / sink in the Gropius house).
akg1983326 Dana Fuchs - die amerikanische Saengerin, Songwriterin und Schauspielerin bei einem Konzert am 29.10.2012 in der Hamburger Fabrik. Copyright: For editorial use only.

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